hope you like those! the images link to the ebay auctions. first bid is set to only 49 cents for each pair, with no reserve! the auctions all end on october 25th.
i will be setting up an "undies page" here on the site at some point but i need to make a lot more of these things first. so for now i'm just going to put a few pairs up on ebay and possibly some other spots, and when i do i'll be sure to keep all y'all posted if you'll just be so kind as to keep your eyes trained on this here space.
i also hope you like the newest set of pictures i put up the other day. jacqui is a voluptuous vixen from hali with looks that kill. me likey.
besides that, things are changing in my world in other ways. i will no longer be sharing space with 2 other printing companies as of the end of this month. i'm actually going to be building a shop in my landlord's garage and attempting to print t-shirts literally in my own backyard. i'm pretty stoked but also kind of intimidated by the renos. but i have some good help and i'm pretty excited to make it work!! it's going to be great. there may be some down time where i can't really print much at all, but hopefully not too long.
oh and one more thing before i forget- i'm lowering all shirt prices to what they were back in 2001: that is, $16 each ($1 more for ladies & other styles). shipping is no longer free, but you'll still be saving a lot more compared to the old prices. i'll make a more formal announcement on my next post. but the prices are down now, and they'll be staying there for a long time.
and whither thou, t-shirts? i'm not sure when i'm going to get around to those next. i've got some skirts to finish printing, then i may start on some zbq throw pillows i've been thinking about. t-shirts are definitely in the cards. but i'm playing with a bigger deck now. can i deal you in?