$12 shirt sale and a new pre-order shirt too!
first off, all shirts have been marked down to only $12, including ladies' tees. these prices will stay in effect through december. everything ordered up to december 10th will ship in time for christmas. shipping is free for your second shirt, and free for your whole order if you order 7 shirts or more!
it's pre-order time again! i'm happy to announce that we're doing a run of every color variation we have ever done of killbots, including 2 new variations never to be seen again: limebots and, how could i resist, xmasbots. they're joined by their little robotic friends killbots 2, killbots (red & grey), icebots, grisbots and pinkbots. the pre-order ends on december 3rd!!!
i hope to be doing a lot more crazy color variations of many of your favorite prints, as well as a lot of new ones, in the new year. so keep your eyes on this space.
this design is available for pre-order until midnight, november 10th, 2009. after that stock will be pretty scant or possibly nonexistent, and the prices will go back up by 4 dollars to their regular prices.
want to see your favorite design reprinted soon? well you can either vote for it or actually reserve the tee of your choice. the more reservations & votes we get for a particular design, the more likely we are to reprint it soon.
so i have actually moved all of my printing stuff into my landlord's garage. it's a little strange. i'm still in the process of insulating the walls, so it's pretty chilly out there at night. once i get that insulation up and a wall built in front of the drafty garage doors it shouldn't be too bad. still, it's a little weird.
hoping by january to be printing mostly, if not entirely, on organic t-shirts, and switching to a more environmentally nice way of printing shirts as well in terms of the ink and the cleanup materials. it may mean i need to charge an extra dollar or so, we'll have to see i suppose. but it's something i've been meaning to do for a very long time, and right now seems like as good a time as any. seize ya soon peepz.
zbq undies are GO
hope you like those! the images link to the ebay auctions. first bid is set to only 49 cents for each pair, with no reserve! the auctions all end on october 25th.
i will be setting up an "undies page" here on the site at some point but i need to make a lot more of these things first. so for now i'm just going to put a few pairs up on ebay and possibly some other spots, and when i do i'll be sure to keep all y'all posted if you'll just be so kind as to keep your eyes trained on this here space.
i also hope you like the newest set of pictures i put up the other day. jacqui is a voluptuous vixen from hali with looks that kill. me likey.
besides that, things are changing in my world in other ways. i will no longer be sharing space with 2 other printing companies as of the end of this month. i'm actually going to be building a shop in my landlord's garage and attempting to print t-shirts literally in my own backyard. i'm pretty stoked but also kind of intimidated by the renos. but i have some good help and i'm pretty excited to make it work!! it's going to be great. there may be some down time where i can't really print much at all, but hopefully not too long.
oh and one more thing before i forget- i'm lowering all shirt prices to what they were back in 2001: that is, $16 each ($1 more for ladies & other styles). shipping is no longer free, but you'll still be saving a lot more compared to the old prices. i'll make a more formal announcement on my next post. but the prices are down now, and they'll be staying there for a long time.
and whither thou, t-shirts? i'm not sure when i'm going to get around to those next. i've got some skirts to finish printing, then i may start on some zbq throw pillows i've been thinking about. t-shirts are definitely in the cards. but i'm playing with a bigger deck now. can i deal you in?
oh happy day!
having been married briefly myself way back in the dark ages, i can testify that "wedded bliss" is usually anything but. that's why within 2 seconds of viewing this piece of artwork, i knew that i had to put it on t-shirts. and that's just what i've done. so until midnight, september 30th, 2009, happy day will be available for pre-order on your choice of style, color and size, for $3 less than our usual prices. so, much like getting married too young and for the wrong reasons, i urge you to rush into this decision and not consider the consequences, then spend the rest of your life lamenting your lost youth and fighting back the bitter tears of regret. actually, hold the phone- these are t-shirts we're talking about, right? i highly doubt you're going to regret it that much- and hey, if you do, we do have a money-back guarantee.
i realize how long it's been since my last post. i kind of went on a mental vacation there in august- just didn't really feel much like working, so i eneavored to avoid it as much as possible. and let me tell you, it was gooood. but i'm back in the saddle again, and there are great things in store for zb. i've got a ton of new shirt designs coming and there's some zb clothing on its way too. i've already got some skirts made and ready for your eyeballs, now i'm just trying to get this underwear done up in time for christmas. i've had a hell of a time trying to find a reliable seamstress- it seems that they all are, by definition, completely crackers- so i went out and bought a sewing machine and i'm going to try and make 'em myself. i have done a bit of sewing in the past, so hopefully it won't be a complete disaster, or take me years. maybe i'll discover what it is that seems to turn seamstresses into lunatics! in the meantime, i'm still open to working with talented people, so if you are a seamstress who thinks you jmight like to help me create some ladies' underwear, feel free to drop me a line. in the meantime, you know where to find me......
....and the beat goes on
if you hadn't noticed, i also recently posted some inverse princess, ice princess and orange princess shirts as well. stock is pretty limited so they probably won't be around for very long....
and if that's not exciting enough for you, there's a new shirt of the week available for pre-order until august 15th: team evil (and it's more feminine side, team evil pink) were last printed about 3 years ago and in all likelihood won't be printed again for quite some time. 3 bucks less than our regular prices, and we ship internationally for FREE.
so yeah, pretty slack on the ol' bloggo, unfortunately, but things should be calming down soon so hopefully i'll have time for more updates. in the meantime, enjoy the eye candy in the slideshow and stay tuned for a brand new print in less than a week. to the beat y'all......
next please!!!!!
i'll work on that daily t-shirt thing, but in the meantime we'll have to go with a new one every 2 weeks or so. and today is just such a day. i have for you a brand new print from our special fellow canadian and very talented friend, mr. slawek kasolka. next please is a nice wide print that extends completely across the chest on most shirt sizes. i like it quite a lot actually.
next please is available for pre-order for the next 9 days or so- until midnight, july 26th, you can pre-order this print on any color or style of your choice, for 3 dollars less than the usual price. shipping, mais bien sur, is gratis of course. cos that's just how we roll.
all the time, phife
a few improvements over the last shirt store: no more scrolling frame on the left side of the screen, the ability to browse through the entire collection much more intuitively and a new color & layout which are much easier on the eyes. might take some getting used to, but i think it makes more sense. if you're confused you can read all about V1SV11 in the faq page.
i've also posted a whole new flash slideshow which you may have noticed on your way in. the gallery is scaleable to full screen and will soon be stuffed with more eye candy (both new and old) than you'll be able to physically handle with your raw human eyeballs. f'realz. for today, i have posted a nice set of a local model named theresa, who got to wear some of our latest stuff (including a few things that aren't even available on the site yet). hope yer diggin' it, definitely more to come. if you would like to do some modeling for zb feel free to drop me a line.
brand spanking new tee shirt will be posted before the weekend!! millions set to start kicking thee arse once they get greedy paws upon new teeeeeshirrts from la zeebeeque. signing out, rover dog alpha.
princess pea
all of these variations of our lady of perpetual beats- ghetto P, inverse princess, ice princess, orange princess, pink princess and blue princess- are now available for pre-order on your choice of any style, color or size we carry, for $3 less than our usual prices, until july 1st, 2009 at midnight. that's canada day for all youse ignoramusses out there.
so yeah, it's been a pretty long minute but the print shop is getting slammed right now- we're barely keeping up with it. that's taken up a lot of my time, but i've also managed to print quite a few new items for zb and have been working on a really cool site redesign. also been seeing a lot of really cheesy movies with my son aaaand.... printing more t-shirts. that's pretty much what i do. more soon.
these were triple dipped
oh yeah, i found my batteries.
lucha cigaro is available for pre-order for about 3 days, 3 dollars less than our regular prices and available on your choice of just about anything.
i also printed a few white masqs et parfums t-shirts (yeah, me!). those will also likely not be printed again for a purty long time.
oh and while i'm here, did i mention that there are 2 new polo shirts in
prep school? i didn't? oh well.
that's it for now, but plenty of goodies coming your way very soon. stand by chidlins.
that party last night....
i have shirts but can't find batteries for my cam so you'll have to wait a day or 2 for pics. the design is huge and printed with "softhand" ink, so it's a really nice breathable, soft print.
i also (as you may or may not have noticed) pumped up stock in 1984 and 1984 yellow. if you like the l.a. lakers, check out the lakers version. and lots of 2X and 3X shirts for you bigger dudes.
so yeah, been AWOL for a minute or 2, just been swamped with printing custom work, and also working on some site stuff behind the scenes. watch for a nice new gallery coming really soon. a lot of new eye candy coming your way.
if you're still paying attention at this point, you're in luck. just for you (yes, you!) this week, until june 10th, order any shirt and get a second one of your choice abfab free. just mention your choice in the "comments" section before you check out.
dolla dolla coin y'all....
and to help you in your moneymaking efforts, i've posted a ton of new zbq banners and links for you to use. so go nuts.
but that's not all the good news i have today- aw no. i've also completed the new zbq shopping cart, which i think is a bit friendlier than the paypal cart. it allows you to monitor the contents of your cart without leaving the site, add or remove items very easily, plus you get a cool 4% discount for each additional item you add. order 4 shirts and save 12%, order 8 shirts and save 28%. order 12 shirts or more and you automatically get the wholesale rate, which is nearly half price! you can't really beat it with a stick, especially when you consider that shipping is still (and will remain) absolutely free for any and all customers, ad infinitum. damn we rule.
as if that weren't enough excitement for one day, there's a new "pre-order" shirt of the week up today: crushR is yet another wrestler-themed shirt of awesomeness. available on your choice of style, color and size, at $3 off our regular price, until midnight june 1st.
wowzers! more to come. get it in ya.
pigeon ATAK!
in my travels i also discovered a couple of shirts that had been overlooked: an XL ATAK (red) on royal blue and a couple of white krushbot tees: one white, one 3X. if you're paying attention. remember, shipping is free kids- even for international orders.
so i've been working away on the customized zbq shopping cart, and i'm incredibly close to finishing. what's so great about that, you may ask? well, for starters, it's going to save you money. how so? well, if you order more than one shirt at a time, you'll save 4% for each additional shirt you order. that may not seem that impressive, but it adds up fast. and thanks to the built-in affiliate program it can even make you money too: without even having to sign up or fill in one form, you'll be able to participate in our affiliate program, where we will pay you $5 for each and every sale you send our way. and that of course includes your own orders! so if you buy a shirt using your unique affiliate ID, you automatically receive a $5 discount just for participating. and if you can get a bunch of other people to buy stuff, you'll be rich in no time. rich, i tells ya! i'm hoping to get it all up and running by tomorrow (friday) night, if not by the end of the weekend for sure. so keep yer eyeballs peeled.
les masqs et les parfums
you can check out more of nico's stuff by perusing his LOVECATS galleries here, here, here or here, or check out his ever-evolving website, anothersidewalk.tv.
i'm leaving town for a few days, so you might not hear from me for a little bit. more shenanigans next week.
The london police11 hours ago
Vitabrush8 years ago
Work Available on Etsy11 years ago
My Play Premieres14 years ago